Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Appropriately sad-sack

So I was poking around on the British Amazon site to see if they had a concrete release date for Catherine Jinks's Genius Wars (they do: October 2010), and I happened upon the English cover for Jinks's The Reformed Vampire Support Group. Behold:

I know I usually complain when English covers are cooler than ours, but this time I am totally okay with it. The English cover might be sleeker, but anyone who's read this book knows the American cover is about a 1000 times better suited to the story:

Actually, you don't even have to read the whole thing. Just get to the part [SPOILER] about vampires having to live off of (literal) guinea pigs and you'll see the light.

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Blogger Sheryl S. said...

The stark B&W cover might have a sleeker design, but the other cover is more entertaining and engaging, anyway.

3:15 PM

Blogger Yulianka said...

Actually, even the second cover doesn't really do the bone-deep weirdness of this book justice, either, but at least it doesn't make it look like a sexy teen-lit spy novel.

4:01 PM


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