Monday, October 26, 2009

Strolling with Lovecraft

ApartmentTherapy recently did a very Halloween-friendly post about a H.P. Lovecraft-themed walking tour in Providence’s College Hill, which includes many of the houses featured in his horror stories. Frankly, a single visit to the house above (the Arts and Crafts Fleur-de-Lys Artist Studios, a building described in Lovecraft's The Call of Cthulhu) would be more than sufficient for me to consider my Halloween appropriately celebrated.

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Blogger Sheryl S. said...

What a vibrant and wild-looking house! But it is not what comes readily to my mind when I normally think of Lovecraft, I admit.

3:21 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'd think it was sufficient if I'd just driven by. That is a lot of gothic awesomeness at one address

7:45 PM

Blogger Yulianka said...

Something is lost when you see the house in the midst of all the other (white, cream, pastel) homes on the street. A house like that needs a more appropriate setting to really get my blood chilled, you know?

11:21 AM


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