Monday, February 14, 2011

Tween romance... or not?

I ran across this cover art mystery via Read Roger, The Horn Book editor's always-entertaining blog. According to Publishers Weekly, Phoebe Stone's The Romeo and Juliet Code is a "intricate and lyrical novel, set during WWII, [which resembles] The Secret Garden in all the best ways." Check it out:

Their description totally makes me want to read this book, but nothing about that cover suggests Secret Garden, historical novel, or "intricate and lyrical", as far as I'm concerned.



Blogger Sheryl S. said...

Yeah, but you know the adage about judging books by covers. Just think about the Jane Austen books being re-re-re-re-etc.-released with Twilight covers these days.

9:32 AM

Blogger Yulianka said...

I can't help it: I always judge cover art. And I even think this one is cute! It just doesn't say "1941 wartime drama/mystery/romance" to me.

2:20 PM

Blogger Megwin said...

Plus the lowcut version on the shoes were not produced until 1962, and colors other than black & white were added in 1966 according the converse website.

I like the cover but I agree it does not fit the book.

2:33 PM

Blogger Yulianka said...

...maybe they were being crafty: by making the cover art have absolutely zero to do with the book's contents, they've gotten a lovely second wind of publicity!

5:22 PM


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