Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Pride and Prejudice goes R-rated

And speaking of Jane Austen-related pain, check this out:

The above is what its publisher describes as a "deliciously naughty updating" of Austen's Pride and Prejudice, making it "the story you love, with the heat turned up to high". Unfortunately, a disgruntled reader review sounds less appealing:
"[The book is] literally Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice word-for-word with several sex scenes and sporadic, unnecessary sentences added mostly in bold. I kid you not. You will pay $7.00 for a few extra unamazing sex scenes and/or sexual dialogue embedded in the original Pride and Prejudice."
Sadly, the second quote has the ring of truth to it, so I won't be buying this sucker. But I confess, I am totally curious: are the sex scenes scattered throughout the book? How does that work? Do Elizabeth and Darcy, say, have sex during her stay at Netherfield, and then resume their previous relationship? I'm really hoping someone (read: Megan) will flip through this at the bookstore and find out for me.

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Blogger Sheryl S. said...

Yes, this does seem like the kind of thing that you do want to know about... only with second-hand knowledge, not first-hand!

1:43 PM

Blogger Yulianka said...

Megan immediately asked me why it was always her job to find these things out. I assured her it was because she was just so much braver than I was, and just an all-round better person. Here's hoping all the flattery will pan out!

4:22 PM


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