Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Sage advice for the young'uns

Ah, satirical advice from Disney's cartoon princesses! Check out these words of wisdom from "Belle" and "Ariel":

To be fair, I feel like cherry-picking objectionable messages from Disney films is like looking for potentially offensive stuff in the Bible: sure, it's there, but that's not really the whole story...

...although that nuanced viewpoint didn't stop me from grinning over these videos. Somebody should embroider "The lesson here is that beauty is in the eye of the beholder ... as long as the woman is good-looking" on a pillow!

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Blogger Sheryl S. said...

Ha ha ha! I recently wrote a rant about how the Disney Princesses are spoiled and annoying more than endearing, but then tossed it. Who'd want to read that, right? Hmm...

It's hard to pick which of those is more enjoyable.

3:52 PM

Blogger Yulianka said...

Yeah, usually I find these jokes wear pretty thin by, like, the 30 second mark, but I thought both of these were great!

2:19 PM


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