Friday, July 23, 2010

Wave of the future?

According to The New York Times, announced on Monday that they've been selling more titles for its Kindle e-readers than hardcover books during the last three months—143 e-books for every 100 hardcovers, to be exact. I don't quite see these numbers as a death knell for the printed book format (as the article mentions, hardcover sales are also up 22% over last year), but it's certainly a culture shift in the world of book-buying.

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Blogger Sheryl S. said...

I can certainly understand why. The Kindle is lightweight and portable. My SO travels extensively and absolutely blazes through books; he can carry a personal library in something that consumes less space than a trade paperback. I travel (and read) far less than he and still find it a viable alternative to physical books.

8:42 AM

Blogger Yulianka said...

I'm waiting on significant price drops--I just don't buy $150 to $200 as the final offer on e-readers. Of course, I've never actually bought an mp3 player, either (although I've received a couple as gifts), so clearly I'm not teetering on the cutting edge of technology.

11:19 AM


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