Monday, April 26, 2010


I finally watched the Eclipse trailer, and it is bad. Like, hilariously bad. Everything about it, from the "creepy dudes coming out of the water" bit* to the run-towards-each-other-and-SMASH! battle scene has been done before--and done way better. The acting looks terrible and the CGI worse. I stopped reading this series after the second book, so I don't know how faithfully the movie is following the novel, but I am impressed by how terrible this looks. It's like they were purposefully aiming for "camp classic" status.

*Turns out vampires aren't inconvenienced by wearing sopping-wet jeans as battle-wear. Who knew? It must be part of their special, sparkly magic...

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Blogger Sheryl S. said...

What a happy poster. Aren't teen characters allowed to smile in these movie posters?

9:55 AM

Blogger Yulianka said...

No. Looking like they're suffering from indigestion is very important. It conveys their dramatic arc.

2:39 PM


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