Tuesday, January 05, 2010

Signs of life

So, there's some news on the Dune movie adaptation front: according to Variety, Paramount Pictures has asked Pierre Morel to direct. Morel will replace Peter Berg, who exited in favor of directing Battleship (yes, a movie version of the boardgame).

I'm trying to get excited about this, as Morel is apparently a hardcore fan of the book, but... but... but the first dude left in favor of a board game adaptation!!! *Not* a good sign.

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Blogger Sheryl S. said...

"...but the first dude left in favor of a board game adaptation!!! *Not* a good sign."
{laugh} That is a good point. How epic is your movie when someone prefers to make a movie about Scrabble?

Of course, one of my all-time favorite movies is Clue, which is based on the board game of the same name.

9:55 AM

Blogger Yulianka said...

Dude. I would *so* watch a movie about Scrabble.

11:34 AM


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