Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Speaking of cover art...

When Meg and I ran across this in the bookstore the other day, our first thought was: "Is this, like, a joke romance novel*?" Because it really, seriously looks like one of those fake vintage photographs you take when you dress up and stand in front of a sepia-toned backdrop. Behold:

*Note: No, it's just self-published, near as we can tell.



Blogger Sheryl S. said...

Ha ha ha! It does look like a joke cover, which is really amazing, considering how joke-like a lot of romance covers are already! (I don't read romances myself, but used to work in the romance section of a bookstore and found the book covers to be a riot.)

10:13 AM

Blogger Yulianka said...

It actually looks even less plausible in person. However, it did stand out on the shelf, so I guess the lurid style served its purpose!

7:23 PM


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