Wednesday, July 01, 2009

Money burning a hole in your pocket?

Because I'm pretty sure that all the real Stephenie Meyer fans are rushing out to buy one of these $24.99 Twilight USB Flash Drives.

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Blogger Sheryl S. said...

Wow. Seriously, wow. I wonder if Twilight and Twitter both have the same thing going for them: nobody really gets it, so everyone assumes it must be fantastic beyond comprehension.

I don't get either, anyway. At least the flash drive case is pretty.

11:26 AM

Blogger Unknown said...

I know! I just read an article about how the Harry Potter franchise must be shaking in its boots because Meyer's stuff is so successful--and if everybody's reading Twilight then obviously nobody is going to go to see HP and the HBP.

Apparently, they think young readers can only like one book at a time.

1:42 PM


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