Monday, June 01, 2009

New Moon trailer's up

I really hope the CGI for that wolf transformation is still a work in progress, because WHOA is it ever bad.

To be fair, that is a nice cake, though.



Blogger Sheryl S. said...

Forget the wolf transformation, I think I lost a little of my will to live trying to sit through the trailer. This is what is insanely popular today? I finally know what it is to be "bored to tears," because this trailer managed it within the first twelve seconds. That is the longest that I have been exposed to Twilight anything and now I realize how lucky I have been to shelter myself from it.

9:02 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I kept wanting to tell Kristen Stewart to stand up straight.

...and then I wondered when, exactly, I had 100% transformed into my mom.

12:18 PM

Blogger Gort79 said...

This movie's still in production, right? I think they just cobbled the trailer with whatever they had to work with, hokey CGI be damned.

12:09 AM


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