In a word: GYAH. The Phantom Tollbooth is just not meant to be a movie*—particularly not some kind of 3-D, CGI-laden extravaganza sure to send me into spasms of rage. Here's hoping this project dies a quick and quiet death.
*Actually, Wikipedia informs me that it already is, but I'm choosing to ignore that.
Labels: Classic books, Kids' books, Movie Adaptations, Norton Juster
Here's hoping this project dies a quick and quiet death.
I doubt it; there are enough people who understand this book is a classic without having actually read it, I'm sure... so a market of people who'll drag their children without a thought of ever reading the book... and therefore not feel like a special part of their cherished memories died.
7:43 AM
So much of the charm of The Phantom Tollbooth comes from its style of writing. I can't imagine it without Juster's voice, but I suspect it will either A) turn into some unrecognizable theme-park version of itself, or B) become insufferably twee. Either option depresses the hell out of me.
1:56 PM
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