Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Ah, gimmicks

Yet another snippet of Disney Princess news has come my way: a sing-a-long version of Beauty and Beast will be shown in a limited number of theaters on September 29th and October 2nd. Hopefully this will tide fans of the film over until 2012, when the company is apparently planning to re-work the film into 3D.

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Blogger Sheryl S. said...

Woo. Yea. Whee. :-P

5:33 PM

Blogger Yulianka said...

I got roped into going to a sing-a-long "Wizard of Oz" showing once. It was like a karaoke night in Hell.

11:06 AM

Blogger Sheryl S. said...

Yes, that is the thing. This is my favorite Disney movie ever... and that makes the spin-offs and other attempts to milk it all the more painful. I saw the live theatrical version and mostly found it over-the-top and gaudy. I did not have the courage to try watching the Enchanted Christmas -- uh -- sequel? (And the awesome review by The Nostalgia Chick at http://thatguywiththeglasses.com/videolinks/thedudette/nostalgia-chick/15171-ep022 confirms for me that it was worth avoiding.)

So, do I really want my favorite movie further destroyed by listening to a theater full of children screaming to "Be Our Guest"? Nope.

11:14 AM

Blogger Yulianka said...

Actually, the kids weren't so bad. (They don't have the breath control to get really loud.) It was the adults, most of whom sounded like thwarted church choir soloists.

Bad memories...

1:00 PM

Blogger Sheryl S. said...

"...most of whom sounded like thwarted church choir soloists."
Ah ha ha ha! I love it! I'm sure I would have hated to hear it, but I love the description.

7:51 AM


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