Wednesday, June 30, 2010


Well, I suppose the full-length trailer for the Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows adaptation looks nice enough. But I'm still SUPER IRRITATED by Warner Bros.' decision to split the story into two parts. It feels like a naked attempt to suck more cash out of the fans--not only will they get double the ticket prices, you just know that they'll eventually repackage the two films as one mega-movie (probably with bonus footage) so hardcore fans will have to buy the stupid thing twice.

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Blogger Sheryl S. said...

I watched the trailer yesterday and said, "I read the book, but I don't remember most of those scenes."

9:03 AM

Blogger Yulianka said...

Most of what I remember is a long boring bit in the middle where they're stuck in the woods.

10:21 AM


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