Tuesday, May 12, 2009

The wit and wisdom of Mary Bennet

Amanda Grange, author of the novel Mr. Darcy's Diary, pictured at right (not to be confused with this Mr. Darcy's Diary), has written a delightful collection of diary entries featuring Miss Mary Bennet's take on the events of Pride and Prejudice. Best of all, you can read them FOR FREE--my favorite price!--at Historical Romance UK. Enjoy!

[Via AustenBlog]

Note: Speaking of the *other* Mr. Darcy's Diary (the one by Maya Slater) mentioned above, did you guys know it's going to be released here in the US in June? They've reworked the title (The Private Diary of Mr. Darcy), but if you've always wanted to read about Austen's most well-known hero having sex with housemaids or hookers, now's your chance...

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